You are most welcome to Namutamba Pa rish which is found in Mityana District of Uganda within Eastern Africa region. LOCATION OF MITYANA DISTRICT IN UGANDA Coordinates: 00°27′N 32°03′E Area: 1,579.3 Sq km or 608.8 Sq miles Population Estimate (2012) - 311,600 Time Zone UTC +3 (EAT) The Map of Mityana District in Uganda Namutamba Population as per 2018 Census No. Particulars Statistic 1 Number of Males 1,483 2 Number of Females 1,408 3 Total 2,891 4 Number of Households 668 5 % Female headed Households 33.7 Villages in Namutamba Parish: 1. Kyetume 2. Kiwanda 3. Butumbiizi 4. Lweyo 5. Kabungo 6. Mbiro My name is William Kituuka Kiwanuka. I am the Chairman of the Board of Directors of AGALI AWAMU SSINGO DEVELOPMENT MODEL (AGASDEM) LTD , A Company Limited by Guarantee. This Company is to implement "Namutamba Parish Local Economic Development (NAPALEDEM)". The development challenges of Namutamba are enormous, but given my background in Rural Economy and Development Economics